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Collection: Otto Reinhold Jacobi

RCA, OSA, SCA (1812-1901)

Born in Konigsburg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia), Jacobi studied in Konigsburg with Christian Ernst Rauschke; at the Berlin Academy; and at the Dusseldorf Academy in Germany with Johann Wilhelm Schirmer (1932-1935). His patrons included the Empress of Russia and the Grand Duke of Nassau at Wiesbaden where he was Court Painter (c. 1837-1860). In 1860 he came to Canada to paint Shawinigan Falls, Quebec as a present for the Prince of Wales (Edward VII) during his visit to Montreal, Quebec. He remained in Canada painting in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, the Rocky Mountains, the Adirondack Mountains and Minnesota. Working in oil, watercolour and frescoes (while in Europe), he painted gypsy encampements, rural and autumn landscapes as well as half buildings in a Romantic style. He was president of the RCA (1890-1893) and exhibited works with the AAM, OSA and RCA. His work is presently featured in most public galleries across Canada.

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